About Mike

Mike Reis is currently pursuing his passion for craft beer as a proud employee of the Monk's Kettle and Abbot's Cellar restaurants in San Francisco, California. He graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara in June of 2009 with a major in Communications and a minor in Art History.

Though he is not currently employable, his resume (containing contact information) is available at the bottom of this page as a Scribd document. If this isn't working for some reason, email him at beerspeaks@gmail.com, and he will be happy to forward that along.

Please note that while he does not perceive it as ideal, Mike will shave his mustache if deemed necessary by the context of his endeavors.

Michael Reis Resume



Copyright 2009 | All content on this site is owned by Mike Reis unless otherwise noted.
No part of the content on this blog may be reproduced without prior written permission.
Don't forget to be awesome where and whenever possible. Thank you.